Skin Cancer Symptoms, Causes and Screening | AMO

address Room 1311-1312, 13/F, Ocean Center, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Skin cancer Information
Skin cancer Information

Skin cancer is a kind of cancer that grows in the skin. It develops from abnormal cells and may invade and spread to different parts of the body. Because skin cancer often develops in the epidermis and such tumors are often visible, most of the time, skin cancer can be detected early. According to the extent of severity, it can be divided into basal cell carcinoma (70-85%), squamous cell carcinoma (15-20%) and melanoma (5%).

Skin cancer
Skin cancer symptoms
Skin cancer
  • Depigmentation or ulcers on the feet or toes
  • Bleeding or itching in and a sharp increase in the volume of the injured parts
Skin cancer risk factors
Skin cancer risk factors
  • Exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light
  • Having got sunburned during childhood
  • Having skin of a lighter color
  • Having more moles on the body
Skin cancer
  • Section diagnosis
  • Ultrasound scan
  • Dermoscopy
  • OCT scan

Mainly surgery, cryotherapy, electrocautery and laser therapy.

  • National Cancer Institute, What is Cancer?
  • 癌症基金會, 皮膚癌,
  • 香港防癌會, 皮膚癌,