Professional team

address Room 1311-1312, 13/F, Ocean Center, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Our Team

Cancer not only brings a heavy psychological blow and pressure to the patients, but also affects the moods of their family and friends. Therefore, in addition to therapeutic regimens for patients, we also offer emotional counseling to their relatives and friends to relieve their pressure. Furthermore, patients will receive intravenous injection in one of our secluded chemotherapy rooms with the support from a professional medical team, ensuring peace of mind when getting treatment.

In the long run, we are applying for ISO certification to align our professional service standards and will use anticancer drugs licensed by FDA and the European Union. We provide tailor-made therapeutic regimens for patients according to the patients' extent of cancer metastasis and actual physical conditions - patients and their loved ones can thus rest assured.

Our Team
Dr. LEUNG Kwong-chuen, Angus
Dr. LEUNG Kwong-chuen, Angus
Clinical Oncologist
Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary) ,Department of Medicine and Therapeutics The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professional Qualifications :

  • MBBS (HK)

  • FRCR


  • FHKAM (Radiology)

  • PG Dip Pall Med (Cardiff)
